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1641 Aliceanna St. Baltimore, MD 21231

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Restaurant Night for Project HEAL! 

Join us for a restaurant night benefiting Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law) at Kennedy Krieger Institute.Project HEAL is a community-based program of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, which provides advocacy and legal services for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. 


The Choptank will generously donate 10% ofitsrevenuefrom the day to Project HEAL.

This event is free of charge. There will be food and drink specials. 

Raffle tickets will be sold to win a variety of prizes! 


Thursday, November 30, 2023 

5:30–8:30 p.m. 

1641 Aliceanna Street 

Baltimore, MD 21231 



 For more information, please call Mallory Legg at 443-923-9571 or email